Green Horizon

Downtown, Seattle

The client wanted an eco-friendly and sustainable office building that would be both functional and visually appealing. We focused on using natural light, energy-efficient systems, and environmentally friendly materials. The building also incorporated green spaces and was designed to reduce waste and energy consumption.

The Outcome

The resulting building exceeded our client's expectations, meeting their functional needs while also being visually stunning. The natural light and use of greenery created a calming and refreshing atmosphere for employees, leading to improved productivity and a decrease in sick days. The energy-efficient systems and use of eco-friendly materials also resulted in significant cost savings for the client in the long term.

The Impact

Green Horizon has become a prominent landmark in downtown Seattle, known for its unique and modern design that combines functionality and sustainability. It has received numerous awards and recognition for its environmental impact and innovation, including LEED Platinum certification. The building has also set an example for other businesses in the area to follow suit and adopt eco-friendly practices in their own spaces.